terça-feira, 30 de setembro de 2014

«WOMEN ARE TOP ! To the top by innovative corporate cultures»

Women are TOP! To the top by innovative corporate cultures” é um projeto que está a ser desenvolvido na Austria. No site do Departamento oficial responsável pelo projeto, em inglês, podemos ler:

Women are TOP! To the top by innovative corporate cultures

Women are better educated than ever before, however they are still underrepresented in decision making and senior management positions. According to the “Frauen.Management.Report” (women management report, in German only) conducted annually by the Austrian Chamber of Labour since 2005, the share of women in management of the top 200 companies in Austria was 5.6% in February 2014. Of the board members of the top 200 companies, 13.9% were female. Among stock-exchange listed companies, figures are even more significant: only 3.1% of executive management and 12% of board members are women.
The project “Women are TOP! To the top by innovative corporate cultures”, that is co-financed by the European Commission, will develop measures relating to boards of directors and executive leading and management positions, that will promote gender equality in organisational cultures

Appropriate political general conditions for supporting women in leading positions are an important step that has to be implemented mainly on company level
Companies are strongly involved in this project to facilitate adequate corporate cultures promoting gender equality. Via the close co-operation with small, medium-sized and larger companies in Austria, models will be tested, experiences will be collected, and ways to find the right heads and the right women for leading positions will be detected.

By the inclusion of social partners, relevant decision makers in equal treatment policy, and national and international experts, the project results specify support programmes for women in leading positions and create innovative methods of critical reflection of everyday company practices.
The project is coordinated by the Department 6 of the Directorate-General of Women’s Affairs and Equality at the Federal Ministry of Education and Women’s Affairs. The project’s co-operation partners are theInstitute for Gender and Diversity in Organisations at the Vienna University of Business and Economics and the working life research centre FORBA.

Do muito que se pode aprender com este projeto, um aspecto, talvez  lateral, mas que nos chamou a atenção: o Instituto da Universidade de Viena assinalado, e o seu enfoque  nas ORGANIZAÇÕES. De facto, do nosso ponto de vista, a mudança que se ambiciona passa pela inserção do género e de outras causas e movimentos na esfera da(s) igualdade(s) nas ciência das organizações e da sua gestão. E na prática inteira do dia-a-dia, e não uma coisa à parte. Saiba mais.


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