quarta-feira, 11 de maio de 2016

«Estratégia de Educação para a Cidadania»

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Ao lermos o diploma da imagem veio-nos à memória as frentes de trabalho  recomendadas internacionalmente, bem como o que se designa por boas práticas,  relativamente ao papel da arte e da cultura na educação, e em particular na esfera da cidadania.  Por exemplo, faz sentido trazer para aqui a forma como no Arts Council o assunto é equacionado. Desde logo:

«Because art and culture open our minds and stir our hearts 

Because art and culture inspire our children so they can flourish»

E mais em concreto:

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Ainda, de lá: «The Arts Council works with Department for Education, Department for Culture, Media and Sport, funded organisations and artists, schools, cultural partners, broadcasters, local authorities, Higher and Further Education institutions and other partners to ensure the provision of excellent art, museums and libraries for all children and young people. 
Since 2012, the Department for Education and the Arts Council have invested £267 million in a range of music and cultural education programmes. The largest investment has been made by the Department for Education for Music Education Hubs (£245 million over four financial years). Explore these pages to find out more about the other programmes we support.
The Arts Council also invests public funds in a national portfolio of 663 arts organisations and 21 Major Partner Museums, with the vast majority of them committed to work with children and young people».

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Em suma, talvez na educação para a cidadania não se possa esquecer a «força das ARTES», em particular das designadas Artes do Espectáculo. 

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